What people are saying about “Where I Stand”

Have something to say about Where I Stand?

Email Erin at erin@thisiswhereistand.com

I would just like to say how amazing this page is! 

“I am so impressed by you and please keep me updated on your progress. If you need assistance or have questions don’t hesitate to ask me. You are an inspiration to me, may you lead your generation to do great things, you are so brave and the lives that have been and will be saved because of your movement – you may never know but believe me – they are there and all you have to know is you have touched people…..thank you for renewing my faith in doing public service. Some days I question why I do it – you crossed my path to remind me why. ” — Bonnie

“Hi, I am in awe of what you are trying to accomplish. I work very extensively with NAMI NH and the state psychiatric hospital, I am the first volunteer allowed in to work with patients and their families, and am actively engaged in changing the mental health system in our state and on an individual basis. Please write me back and tell me more about Where I Stand and how I could be more effective in implementing change in my area.

Thank you so much and keep up the good work!” – Audra

“I’m truly delighted to join with you on your journey. Its really wonderful to find individuals who are advocating for greater access to mental health services but also working to removed the shame and stigma through education so that American can start it’s healing. Please, lets stay in touch. Although I have been in social services for twenty-five years, I’ve only recently, the last five years, committed myself to addressing this crisis as an advocate.” – Where I Stand follower and fellow mental health advocate

“Y’all are such an inspiration! Thanks for making a difference and for being so awesome!  – Johnny Novgrod

I love you guys I stand by your cause 100% — Jace Harrill

I think this is wonderful and such a great healing tool to inspire us to look within ourselves to discover where one wants to go in life. I’m glad I came across it as I think it will be valuable to me in helping me in a life full of many challenges and fears. — Jane

“This post is INCREDIBLE! You are such an inspiration!! And your talent with writing is seriously amazing! I have loved reading all of your recent posts since I first found your blog, but I think this one may be my very favorite (thus far at least haha because I haven’t read them all). This is so helpful and well put!! Sharing our stories and helping inspire others to seek help as well is so powerful!! Thank you for all that you do!!” -Ali Hougnou

“I am nominating you for the following award because this blog and the words you share are so encouraging, and you have made me feel like you understand and care.” – fellow blogger.

“This is so beautiful. I’m so proud of you. Your section called “dealing with food” pulled tears. I’m pretty certain that every girl, to varying degrees, deals with serious issues with self image. Culture makes out like what we look like is the only thing that gives us value and for all the @$$ holes out there that think that’s true, that’s too bad for them – because they are blind to and are missing out on what really counts in life and they’ll never experience the joy that comes with seeing someone as fully human. I know I have delt with self image for sure and I still have my days. I have had to turn mirrors around. I’m glad you’re not ashamed to be fighting this out loud because God only knows how many women’s lives you’ll touch and inspire through your story. You’re definitely not the only one struggling. I love you so much.” –Keisha

“I love your blog! It has really helped me through things. All of your poems are amazing and relate to me perfectly! I think this blog is great and I am glad that you are recovering 🙂 God has such a great plan for your life!” – Anonymous

“I want my daughter to meet you. I know it may never happen, but she could see someone who is. Thats it just is.
You are a real leader to me and I am grateful Ggod put you in my life today!”- Jim

“Erin Casey rocks!!!! Read her blog” – Jack

“I admire all that you do to support the issues that you care about in such a positive way. Impressive.” – Jeanie

“You are truly an amazing young woman. You never know who you may be helping and giving them the courage to not give up.” — Tammie

“Erin, I follow you on Facebook. I don’t know the whole history of your journey. But I want you to know I think you are amazing. Keep being the light you want there to be in the world. With love.” Susan

“Discovering your blog reduced me to tears. “The therapy that saved my life” – You’ve given me hope for one more day. Thank you” – Ashley

*CONGRATS* And Happy One Year!! I love your blog, and all the WORK you do for others! God Bless you both!
Author, Catherine Lyon ❤

Such a powerful post, Erin! So glad I found you via Facebook. Keep on writing! You’re doing an incredible job.

I admire your courage to speak about and advocate for mental illness awareness. You are doing some amazing work here!

Keep doing what you are doing girl! You are amazing young women! Maybe someday when my daughter does not want to remain anonymous any longer we can stand more publicly with you. Did you know that health in our school system is teaching our kids to write down everything they eat and count calories?…so much work needs to be done to educate the leaders in our schools. Every little bit you do is appreciated.

Woah this blog is excellent i love reading your posts. Stay up the good work! You realize, many people are hunting around for this information, you could aid them greatly.

Thank you for showing us that “beautiful” people are as prone to have problems with self esteem, dis-ease, and all of the other emotional/mental problems as are anyone.
I know that this could be misconstrued, but I hope you take this as a thank you and a compliment for the WORK that you do to help others.

Brilliant blog. Amazing work. I’m trying too to raise awareness by telling my own personal journal of recovery through my blog. If we keep talking, people will hear us; maybe then the stigma will be removed and stereotype-thinking regarding mental health and eating disorders will be blown out of the water. xx

This is the kind of post that I hope to write one day, and it’s the kind of post that gives me something to hang on to until that time comes. xxxx

Erin you are awesome and a light to the world!

This is so insightful. I have been following you all for about a year or so and I am struck by how universal “mental illness” is in one form or another. I surely don’t want to minimize anybody’s struggle – I only want to say thank you for making me more aware of my struggles and the struggles of those around me. Like most things in life, battles are better fought with a team rather than alone. And you are a constant reminder to me to be compassionate and help. Thank you for your thoughts and especially for this post.

I love this! I’ve started a blog to help inspire & bring awareness to those who deal with SI, as it was something that had a strangle hold on my own life for a while several years ago. Being on the other side of it now I want to do something like you guys are! So awesome!

I want to commend you and thank you for being so open with your life. My dear friend struggles so much with her bipolar disorder. I will forward this to her. I am sure it will help her.
I am also reiterating again what I have said since I first started following you. YOu are a true leader and I am proud to be one who follows your lead.

I want to say that I check your all’s website almost everyday, and I honestly belief that reading your site has helped me “negotiate” living. Please share my deepest condolences. (And, of course, good luck in your continuing adventures in academia.)–Scot

Such a powerful post, Erin! So glad I found you via Facebook. Keep on writing! You’re doing an incredible job.

Keep doing what you are doing! You are amazing young women! Maybe someday when my daughter does not want to remain anonymous any longer we can stand more publicly with you. Did you know that health in our school system is teaching our kids to write down everything they eat and count calories?…so much work needs to be done to educate the leaders in our schools. Every little bit you do is appreciated.

Woah this blog is excellent i love reading your posts. Stay up the good work! You realize, many people are hunting around for this information, you could aid them greatly.

You are so wise, for someone so young! You”ve already learned a lesson some adults NEVER learn. Understanding yourself and the willingness to understand others IS a key component of leadership. You would be stunned at how few leaders actually understand this!!!! Wise words!

Rachel gives a very frank (accurate) and open description of panic disorder. These personal accounts help others develop empathy rather than judgment. Thanks, Erin for posting this important blog.

I am so honored that you posted to my blog. Keep fighting and inspiring others!

I think this is wonderful and such a great healing tool to inspire us to look within ourselves to discover where one wants to go in life. I’m glad I came across it as I think it will be valuable to me in helping me in a life full of many challenges and fears.

I want to fallow you because I stand with you 100%! I was diagnosed with Major Depression in 2010. When I finally faced up the fact that I needed to go get treatment my life started to improve. Its great because now all I want to do is advocate for those who are like me, going through what I went through, and those who are advocates like me. That’s what is great about you! I hope that we could maybe share ideas and and experiences with each other! Have a great day, and thank-you for posting this.

[from a lifeline recipient] I experienced an immediate lift in spirits as I digested the facts, this card was handwritten, it was from people from the other side of the world, who cared, taken time out and spoke from their heart and experience’s, and whom I very unlikely to meet in my life.
You know I have been one of those people, everyone’s else’s rock, and as life has progressed I finally hit the wall, the load had finally become too much.
My burden come from congenital defects at birth,after marriage IVF programme’s we went through unsuccessfully to have children, yet we became respite and full time foster carers, the deaths of Mum and Dad, retrenchment from work and now those physical issues like a wheel alignment on your car the more miles I have traveled in life, the more the wear and tear are causing daily pain and very challenging physical demands to stay on top of, forever disrupting our lives, but I’m alive.
I have constant fear of this pain which is the key to my anxiety and depression. I’m being treated, I’m challenging the physical side by trying to build strength which then can settle the mind.
But again thank you and the team, beautiful work

1 thought on “What people are saying about “Where I Stand””

  1. Keep doing what you are doing Erin and Natalie! You are amazing young women! Maybe someday when my daughter does not want to remain anonymous any longer we can stand more publicly with you. Did you know that health in our school system is teaching our kids to write down everything they eat and count calories?…so much work needs to be done to educate the leaders in our schools. Every little bit you do is appreciated.

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