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Screen Shot 2014-04-16 at 3.10.48 PMMental health planning and recovery planning can seem daunting. I’ve personally thought to myself “how am I ever going to understand myself and all of this stuff?” But let me tell you there is so much hope and a few key things that EVERYONE can do to help make sure that we stay healthy and aware of ourselves throughout our day.

I’ve titled this document “Knowledge is Power”.

It’s so true that we often ‘run’ from knowing ourselves, but in reality that hurts us so much more. Knowing just a few key things can make the difference between a crisis and well, not. Below is the link. I encourage everyone to print it out – keep it with you in your purse, wallet, or backpack and refer to it when your mind goes from being rational to emotional.

The beauty of this sheet is that we don’t have to make the decision or come up with the ideas when we’re struggling – it’s all right there!

Feedback is always welcome.

Be well,

Erin Casey
Where I Stand
Founder and President 

 Knowledge Is Power Resource Click Here